The survey of families living below poverty line (BPL) was got conducted by the DRDAs on the basis of the guidelines and parameters issued by the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India.
Survey 2007:
In order to ensure objectivity, the Govt. of Haryana entrusted the BPL survey to an outside agency known as Haryana Ex-services League (HESL). HESL teams conducted door-to-door survey in all the villages of the state. A proforma to identify the status of the households has been designed and was duly filled in by the HESL members. It was then verified by Sarpanch, Gram Sachiv and finally by Revenue Patwaris. On the basis of the survey conducted by the HESL, the data was compiled by the DRDAs for their respective districts and the same was consolidated at the State Headquarters.
The village-wise draft BPL lists were sent to all the districts which had been displayed at every Panchayat Headquarter and these draft BPL lists have to be placed before the Gram Sabhas in the meetings specially convened for this purpose between 7th and 19th December, 2007 for approval.
With a view to redress public grievances, aggrieved households have filed appeal/objections before the 1st Appellate authorities nominated by the Deputy Commissioners. The contents of the appeals/objections have been got verified through field visits conducted by the officers nominated for this purpose. Therefore, the claims/objections have been disposed of on campaign basis to ensure inclusion of eligible households and deletion of ineligible ones from BPL lists. The person still aggrieved against the decisions of the 1st Appellate Authorities had filed appeals to the 2nd Appellate Authorities.
Based on the updated data received from all the districts, the district-wise number of BPL households have been finalized and the BPL Lists have been forwarded to all the districts and other user departments for implementation. The district-wise number of BPL households is as under :-
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